Saturday, January 24, 2009

My plan of attack for 2009

Despite my only having one FO for this year, I've got a huge list of items I'd like to accomplish. It's still January, so I'm still allowed that feeling of "yeah! I can do it! No problem!" that will disappear in a panic come October.

But I have a plan. A pretty good one, If I do say so myself. (It's the sticking to it that's hard.)

My plan is to have 3 WIPs going on, strategically placed so that one is (theoretically) always near at hand. One in the living room (currently the Gossamer Stars Scarf that I started last summer); one in the bedroom (baby blanket for my sister-in-law); and one portable project that will be kept in my bag (currently a second Endpaper Mitt, but will soon change to Baby Socks because I'm trying to knit one pair of socks a month.)

I also joined the "Do the Amanda" KAL, I've been meaning to knit this hat with some yummy Malabrigo I got in a swap last summer. It will be the first hat I've knit for myself!

1 comment:

Batty said...

I definitely recommend socks-on-the-go. Make sure your takealong projects are simple things, or complicated things at a simple stage. It makes interruptions (your stop on the train or class starting) so much easier to handle!

You can, in fact, do this.