Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011! New year, new hopes, new goals

Let us hope that 2011 is the year that I maintain this blog. There is alot on my plate and hopefully posting here regularly will help me keep sense and order of everything.

Resolutions? Several...

Knitting: To finally knit a pair of socks in a reasonable amount of time.

Reading: This is also a professional resolution, I am joining The Story Siren's 2011 Debut Author Challenge. I intend to read at least 12 YA/Middle Grade books by new authors in the coming year. In addition to posting my reviews here, I will most likely put them on my Goodreads page as well. I think my first selection will be The Latte Rebellion by Sarah Jamila Stevenson; at least, that is what I ordered from Amazon. However, I'm attending ALA Midwinter next week and so I hope to get some good titles there.

Eating: To plan out meals better and eat healthier. We are going to see how long we go without succumbing to fast food, and that includes Chinese.

In addition, we need to kick Dan's rehab into high gear. Cardiac Rehab appointments are done, but there's an opportunity for him to continue there under their "Fit for Life" program. They would incorporate some weight training in addition to the treadmill and bike, and the price is about the same as a gym, even a bit more reasonable when you consider the fact that they will let us work out alongside without charging any extra. Also need to remind myself to make Dan do more things for himself and stop being an enabler...

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