I know these next few days are going to fly by...there's still so much to be done at home to prepare for Dan's homecoming. While I was by no means the best at housekeeping, for the most part I've been able to maintain a decent level of cleanliness at home. The real culprit is all the clutter.
Unfortunately, Dan has always been something of a packrat. Nowhere near hoarder stage, but in going through some of the stuff I have no idea why he kept it. Oh of course, there were the piles of papers he would get to someday, but now it's just time to get rid of it. Our shredder has been working overtime and one recycle bin just isn't enough. We even got a little tag the last time it was picked up, saying it was too heavy, but they did take it. I'll just have to parcel it out a little more evenly, and make use of my parent's bin as well.
The problem areas are the hallway and our bedroom. At this point I have a feeling my desperation plan will be to shove everything into a spare bedroom in order to have clear pathways. I also have to order some mobility-aid equipment; let me tell you, we certainly take it for granted what healthy bodies are able to do on a regular basis.
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