Since I'm off on Mondays, I try to get to rehab as early as possible so that I can sit in on Dan's therapy sessions. He gets 3 hours a day (Speech, Occupational & Physical); sometimes he will have 2 half-hour sessions at different times of the day instead of one whole hour. And, the schedule changes daily, which I think is a good thing.
So yesterday, I missed his very early PT session. After lunch, he had speech, which I'm afraid to say I had to step out of because he was making me laugh so hard!
Before I continue with this story, let me say that Dan is currently thinking that he either is or was a cop.
Annie, the Speech Therapist, was working on describing scenes and asking Dan to tell her what kind of a scene she was talking about. She describes what I think is an office or bank:
Annie: So you walk into a room, and there is a desk with an office, and a man in a suit. Can you tell me where you are?
Dan: That depends on what kind of a suit.
Annie: Well, he's wearing a shirt and tie, and he has a dark suit on.
Dan: Does he have a gun?
Annie: Um, no.
Dan: Handcuffs?
At this point I am trying so hard not to laugh out loud, because I see where Dan is going with this. Poor Annie, I'm sure she had no idea what she was getting into when she got my husband for a patient.
In other progress news of the baby steps kind, Dan is spending more time in his chair than in bed, his transfers take only one person (and just as a spotter; I'm almost comfortable doing it myself), and he is feeding himself all of his meals even with the TV on (it used to be a distraction).
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