It all started a couple of months ago when my husband took me to O'Briens's Pub, where the food is just okay but they have lots of beer on tap and even more in bottles. My husband has a coworker who is really into beer, she even brews her own and is great at helping you navigate the menu. I have to say that ever since we've started going there pretty regularly (almost every Friday) I've developed a tolerance I've never had before. It used to be one drink and I was out. Now, I can have two drinks and still carry on a coherent conversation.
I've found out that I like pale ales. Not IPAs so much, but the pale ales. My husband has recently delved into stouts and while I can tolerate a couple of sips, they're really not my thing. I've joined the Beer and Fiber group on Ravelry and have had a lot of fun reading about some really good beer. I missed the swap they had and I hope another one will be soon forthcoming.
Anyway, there was a mention in the group about beer blogs. Maybe it was intended for homebrewers, but I thought it might be a good thing (for me at least) to somehow catalog the beers I've had recently and enjoyed. That way I can come back and find out what I've had in the past. I'll start with Organic Wild Salmon Pale Ale from Fish Brewing in Olympia, WA.
I picked up a 6-pack of this at a local grocery store. Funny, we had it with that night's dinner, which happened to be salmon. I really like this beer. It starts off kind of sweet but has a smoky taste at the end. This past weekend was really hot and so I appreciated this beer. It reminded me a little bit of Dogfish Head Midas Touch, which was my go-to beer at O'Briens for a time. They've since run out but my husband's aforementioned friend has located some in a bottle at a really good liquor store near her house.
1 comment:
I love a good ale, including IPA's. Unfortunately there is not a brilliant selection nearby and due to my awkwards working hours I tend to get alot of my Ales online. That Wild Salmon pale ale sounds yummy, will try and hold of some.
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