Just adding on to my post from a week ago, it was yet another good day for San Diego...even with Philip Rivers and LT out of the game, the Chargers pulled off an impressive win over Peyton Manning and the Colts to advance to the AFC Championship game against the Patriots next week. Kudos to Billy Volek for stepping up and preserving the lead! I guess someone's carrying your bags around now! (That's Volek in the middle, after he takes the ball in on his own.)
I've been keeping up with Project 365, again I'm not posting the pictures to my blog but to a flickr photoset here.
There is someone in the group who is a professional photographer, and she's been giving great comments to everyone's pictures. I finally got a comment from her!
School is starting up again in a couple of days, and I still don't have access to the syllabus. I've decided to stop stressing about it. This week I need to finish a birthday scarf for my friend Geli, and I think I'll start on another golf club cover for hubby.
I'm in Ravelry's 365 too. So you're a Chargers fan? You and I'll probably be doing the same thing on Sunday but rooting for different teams - Go Pats!
Congratulations on beating Indy - it was a great game.
Thank you! That's probably the nicest thing I've heard from a Pats fan in a really long time. Congrats on making it to the Super Bowl, at least it wasn't a total blowout, even though we never did make it into the end zone. Chargers fans have a burning-hot hate for Eli Manning so I'm hoping the Pats will finish their season undefeated!
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