Sunday, May 6, 2007

It's been a busy week

It's been a very busy week, with very little time left for knitting. We spent last weekend driving up to LA and back twice so Jarred could participate in Displace Me, an event through Invisible Children. He and a friend spent the night in a cardbord shelter, and they had only water and saltine crackers. The event is supposed to simulate a refugee camp in Uganda.
Driving back the next morning to pick him up, we learned that DH's Tia, who had taken him in when he was in the seventh grade, had finally passed on. She had been in the hospital since mid-February. This woman was a fighter; she'd lost her kidneys 25 years ago and defied all odds to make it as long as she did. Last we'd heard, they had moved her out of the CCU and into a private room so we all thought she was improving. Now I have no idea what to do with the afghan I started for her. Is it wrong to finish it and give it to someone else?
My goals for May are to finish the 2 baby kimonos, I'm almost done with the blue one actually, and knit at least 4 dishcloths for Jarred's band teacher. He's getting married in July and the wedding shower is at the end of the month. I'm planning to knit dishcloths in the school colors, with a musical note pattern.
Oh, I'm also waiting on some yarn I ordered from the Webs sale...something for my Spring Fling Secret Pal, and yarn for legwarmers.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your, and your DH's loss. I say finish the afghan, and donate it to a homeless shelter or battered woman's shelter.

Scarlett said...

Having lost many family members, I can only hold your hand, there are no words available. Perhaps you could finish the afghan and keep it to remember her, or give to one of her our kin as a memory.