Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Review: Hooked by Catherine Greenman

HookedHooked by Catherine Greenman

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was feeling different things about this book as I read it. The story was not very gripping to me and in fact it took me quite a while to get through it. I have to read something while eating, and so this book lived on my dining room table but I was never compelled to bring the book with me to read in other parts of the house. Not until about 2/3 of the way did the pace start to pick up.

Thea. I didn’t like her at all at first. I thought she was rather whiny but once you get an idea of her parents and how she grew up, then it seemed to make sense. At times I felt this book was the print equivalent of an episode of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, maybe parents should make this book required reading for their teenage daughters?

And of course I have to mention something about the crochet. As a knitter, I did scoff a bit when Thea took up crochet. But the idea of her selling the finished pieces is entirely plausible. And the part where Thea is obsessive about it, pulling it out whenever she gets a chance? I totally understand that feeling.

This book is definitely for older teens, as there is (obviously) sex involved, but also mildly graphic descriptions of sex. As I said above, it’s for the 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom crowd.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book Review: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Unearthly (Unearthly, #1)Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Before I began to write this review I took a quick peek at what others had written. Hmm, should I even bother to go back and read some of the other YA angel/paranormal books that are out there? Will doing so turn me off to these kinds of books again? Because I liked Unearthly. In doing The Story Siren's 2011 Debut Author Challenge I'm trying to alternate between realistic and fantastic books so as not to get bogged down in either genre. Except for the angel thing, Unearthly could pass as a typical YA book.

I had my suspicions about the outcome but was still pleasantly suprised at the end. Obviously this book is the beginning of a series, I have a sinking feeling there is going to be a Twilight-esque triangle, and I hope that Clara's brother will be the focus of a future book.

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