On Friday night we celebrated our friend Em's birthday. She wanted to go to Min Sok Chon, site of my husband's birthday bash last September. Because of the rain, everyone was running late, so hubby and I killed time at O'Brien's, which was nice because it was Alesmith night. I finally got a chance to sample My Bloody Valentine (perfect for the holiday), plus they also had Speedway Stout on tap. As an added bonus, they also had Alaskan Smoked Porter on tap, which I'd been hearing great things about. Definitely smoky, and the owner's wife has made some cheese with it. Too bad we weren't heading home any time soon, or I would have definitely bought some.
Dinner was fun, I've become a fan of yogurt soju. Sounds gross, but tastes good. I had almost a whole carafe to myself.
Wouldn't you know, after dinner we ended up back at O'Brien's! Unfortunately they had sold out of the beer cheese. I had another pint of My Bloody Valentine and tried a mead called Viking Blod. Not my thing.
Saturday we slept in, then I went out to get some stuff for the special Valentine's Day dinner we planned. We don't go out for Valentine's Day, as far as I'm concerned it's one of the worst times to go out to dinner. So, we do it ourselves. We decided on surf and turf, shrimp scampi and ribeye steak, plus Chocolate Stout Cake for dessert.
We made a yummy Bordelaise sauce with mushrooms for the steak. The cake looks awful, but it tasted amazing.
I spent most of Sunday doing homework. I'm actually ahead of schedule in one of my classes!
Today was a nice day, just cleaning out my shows on the DVR and knitting while it stormed outside. I'm ready to take on the week!