I finally got some pictures taken and uploaded, so now I can make a proper post. First of all, some good news, I got an A in my class, keeping my 4.0 GPA. It's the first time in my life I've been able to maintain a 4.0.
I've been neglecting
Project 365, even though I have my camera with me I just haven't been taking the time to snap even one picture. I managed to take 2 pics last week, hopefully starting today I'll be back on track, starting with this shot of my neighbor's cat.
I made my first dishcloth in about a year, the
Ballband Dishcloth from
Mason-Dixon Knitting. It's for a woman I know through Band. I originally set out to make the
Lacy Round Dishcloth but after it was finished it was absolutely hideous! I do realize that I could have frogged it and that would be the end of it, but I had to take a picture to remind me never to try that again, or at least not with size 7 needles.

The Ballband Dischloth is much nicer. I think my gauge has gotten much looser lately; I started with size 7 needles and after a few rows thought it looked way too big and loose. I dropped down to size 5.5 needles and am much happier with those results. The dishcloth was much admired at the shower.
Now I'm a bit unsure what to start next. I only have 2 projects OTN right now, the Fixation Ankle Socks and a Noro Scarf that can certainly wait until the end of the year. I know I should really finish up the socks so I can finally say that I've knit a pair of socks. On Ravelry I joined a group called
Summer of the Stash (Rav link) because after spending the first few months of the year buying yarn, I actually have a stash that can be knitted from. The idea is not to buy any yarn this summer but complete projects from one's stash. The official start date is June 21, but some people are starting now, and that's what I should do to. I placed an order yesterday with
Elann yesterday for some Soie Bambou after seeing the Gossamer Stars Scarf pattern in the latest Interweave Knits. THIS is the pattern I've been looking for to knit for a dear friend and mentor. I'd originally planned to do a
Lace Ribbon Scarf with a few extra repeats to make it more of a stole, but I really like the Gossamer Stars pattern and the Soie Bambou is affordable. Now I have 10 balls of Peruvian Baby Cashmere in my stash!
So while I'm waiting for that yarn to come, I guess I'll take a stab at finishing the socks. I'm also doing some knitting at work for our upcoming Summer Reading Program. The theme is "Catch the Reading Bug!" and I'm working on some