Yesterday I talked about WIPs. Today I will talk about FOs. I'm in a happy place right now because I just got caught up with homework, submitting my reflections and field notes from my first service-learning stint at the
Chula Vista Public Library. It was fun, if a little nervewracking, I hadn't felt that uneasy behind a reference desk in quite a long time. But reference work is pretty much the same wherever you go, for me it was harder to figure out the nuances of the copy machine!
This Saturday we're going up to Oxnard for a barbecue. Hubby and I are planning the whole thing after the fiasco last year when no one wanted to take responsibility, and therefore no one brought anything to barbecue. Hubby was so pissed, and I honestly don't think he's gotten over it. This time will be different, because I'm in charge. Steve and Anna are coming down from Santa Rosa, they're bringing our wine club shipment from the
Robledo Family Winery. I'll finally get my Moscato! Since it's always so cold up in the Bay Area, I made Anna a really cute hat.

This is
Coronet from Knitty. I had some leftover purple from my Mom's scarf, which was barely enough to make the cabled band. I did 15 rows, and it's a little snug, but I think my head is bigger than hers so hopefully it'll be okay. If not, I guess it'll go to one of her daughters. I also started the crown part on the wrong side, so the band doesn't flip, which means I also had to shorten the actual hat part. I think I did about 5 and a half inches before starting the decreases. Aside from all that, I really like the pattern. It's girly without being too girly.
I also made a bunny, isn't he cute?

I was looking ahead in the Knitting-pattern-a-day calendar and found him on April 4. He's made out of leftover pink Jiffy. I'm going to give him to the Children's Librarian I'm working with for my service hours; I think he'll fit in quite nicely in her Easter display.